Herbal liqueur Viña Nora Licor de Café Orujo de Galicia 70 cl. Origin.


Viña Nora.


Licor de Café.

Country of origin.


Region of origin.


Appellation of origin.

SpainD.O. Orujo de Galicia.

(UE)401/2010 Certification.

Denominación de Origen Protegida (D.O.P.)
Denominación de Origen (D.O.)
D.O. Orujo de Galicia.


1.400 gr. (1,4 Kg.).




Viña Nora.


Licor de Café.

Country of origin


Region of origin


Appellation of origin

SpainD.O. Orujo de Galicia.

(UE)401/2010 Certification

Denominación de Origen Protegida (D.O.P.)
Denominación de Origen (D.O.)
D.O. Orujo de Galicia.


1.400 gr. (1,4 Kg.).



Herbal liqueur Viña Nora Licor de Café Orujo de Galicia 70 cl. Data sheet.


Herbal liqueur.
D.O. Orujo de Galicia.




70 cl.

Alcohol content.

30% Vol.


1.400 gr. (1,4 Kg.).

Visual tasting note.

Sparkly, Intense, Dark, Chestnut tone.

Olfactory tasting note.

Toffee, Toasted notes, Coffee.

Tasting note.

Persistent, Complex, Nice, Sweet, Slightly bitter.


It is recommended to drink in moderation and demonstrate a responsible consumption of alcoholic beverages.


Herbal liqueur.
D.O. Orujo de Galicia.




70 cl.

Alcohol content

30% Vol.


1.400 gr. (1,4 Kg.).

Visual tasting note

Sparkly, Intense, Dark, Chestnut tone.

Olfactory tasting note

Toffee, Toasted notes, Coffee.

Tasting note

Persistent, Complex, Nice, Sweet, Slightly bitter.


It is recommended to drink in moderation and demonstrate a responsible consumption of alcoholic beverages.

Herbal liqueur Viña Nora Licor de Café Orujo de Galicia 70 cl. Description.


44 Customer reviews.

Customers rating.

Product reference.





This product is provided in the conditions and format in which it is marketed at the current time. In cases where the product includes an additional packaging, box and/or case, These accessories will be included in the shipment as long as they comply with the dimensions of the special packaging adapted and approved for the transport of beverages.
In general, the images of the products that we publish on our website are only relevant for graphic purposes. The images do not show other accessories such as additional packaging (box, case, etc.) or promotional elements that may occasionally be included by the manufacturer along with the product. If you wish, we can inform you about the additional packaging, elements and accessories included with the product at the current time.


1.400 gr. (1,4 Kg.).

Actual price.

12,95 €

Minimum order quantity.

1 Unit.

Shipping deadline.

Shipping Spain Spain: 4,90 € (Up to 10Kg/6 bottles)
Delivery term: Information and prices.

Storage temperature.

Store at a constant temperature between 10-17ºC.
Humidity should be constant around 60-80%.


Keep preferably away from light.


PLEASE NOTE: Our team is currently working on the translation of this information. You can check all these details in your language in the coming days. For additional and accurate information, please refer to the original version of this content. Our team provides this information and details in Español language. In case of doubt, misunderstanding or misreading about the content of this information you should refer to the original version of this page or contact our customer service team.
Español [ ES ]
Elaborado a partir de la maceración de cafés naturales en alcohol neutro de origen agrícola y aguardiente de orujo.


44 Customer reviews.

Customers rating

Product reference





This product is provided in the conditions and format in which it is marketed at the current time. In cases where the product includes an additional packaging, box and/or case, These accessories will be included in the shipment as long as they comply with the dimensions of the special packaging adapted and approved for the transport of beverages.
In general, the images of the products that we publish on our website are only relevant for graphic purposes. The images do not show other accessories such as additional packaging (box, case, etc.) or promotional elements that may occasionally be included by the manufacturer along with the product. If you wish, we can inform you about the additional packaging, elements and accessories included with the product at the current time.


1.400 gr. (1,4 Kg.).

Actual price

12,95 €

Minimum order quantity

1 Unit.

Shipping deadline

Shipping Spain Spain: 4,90 € (Up to 10Kg/6 bottles)
Delivery term: Information and prices.

Storage temperature

Store at a constant temperature between 10-17ºC.
Humidity should be constant around 60-80%.


Keep preferably away from light.


PLEASE NOTE: Our team is currently working on the translation of this information. You can check all these details in your language in the coming days. For additional and accurate information, please refer to the original version of this content. Our team provides this information and details in Español language. In case of doubt, misunderstanding or misreading about the content of this information you should refer to the original version of this page or contact our customer service team.
Español [ ES ]
Elaborado a partir de la maceración de cafés naturales en alcohol neutro de origen agrícola y aguardiente de orujo.

44 Reviews of customers and website users. ( During the last 90 days )

Product Selection by Viña Nora.

9 Products, The best selection by Viña Nora.

Herbal liqueur Viña Nora Licor de Café Orujo de Galicia 70 cl.

Additional information.

«Viña Nora Licor de Café Orujo de Galicia» is produced by Viña Nora. «Viña Nora Licor de Café Orujo de Galicia» is a product from Spain. The production region of «Viña Nora Licor de Café Orujo de Galicia» is Galicia. It is certified with D.O. Orujo de Galicia. The weight of «Viña Nora Licor de Café Orujo de Galicia» is 1.400 grams (1,4 Kg.). «Viña Nora Licor de Café Orujo de Galicia» is identified and marketed with the barcode EAN 8426214207011.

«Viña Nora Licor de Café Orujo de Galicia» belongs to the Herbal liqueur category, Herbal liqueur Appellation of origin D.O. Orujo de Galicia. «Viña Nora Licor de Café Orujo de Galicia» is marketed in bottle 70 cl format. The alcohol content of «Viña Nora Licor de Café Orujo de Galicia» is 30% Vol. The weight of «Viña Nora Licor de Café Orujo de Galicia» is 1.400 grams (1,4 Kg.). Regarding the tasting of «Viña Nora Licor de Café Orujo de Galicia», the notes sparkly, intense, dark and chestnut tone stand out in its visual phase. Among the predominant notes of the olfactory tasting are toffee, toasted notes and coffee. Finally, The tasting of «Viña Nora Licor de Café Orujo de Galicia» in the taste phase stands out with persistent, complex, nice, sweet and slightly bitter.

A total of 44 valuations have been made about «Viña Nora Licor de Café Orujo de Galicia» in PrivateCeller.com. Consumers and users from PrivateCeller.com rated «Viña Nora Licor de Café Orujo de Galicia» with an average score of 4.86 out of 5. «Viña Nora Licor de Café Orujo de Galicia» is identified and marketed with the barcode EAN 8426214207011. The weight of «Viña Nora Licor de Café Orujo de Galicia» is 1.400 grams (1,4 Kg.). The final sale price of «Viña Nora Licor de Café Orujo de Galicia» is 12,95 € in PrivateCeller.com.

The information provided and referred to the product features and details has been provided by the expert, manufacturer or producer or published on the official sites. In no case can it be considered as assessment made by our team, unless expressly stated otherwise. We suggest you to refer to the comments and reviews posted by our customers and users to expand and contrast this information. The product image or its label is only relevant for graphic purposes, so it may not match the identification of the vintage or other features and details of the product for sale. This product is provided in the conditions and format in which it is marketed at the current time. Spain. This product is shipped from Spain.

Appellation of origin:
D.O. Orujo de Galicia.

Herbal liqueur Viña Nora Licor de Café Orujo de Galicia 70 cl.

PLEASE NOTE: Our team is currently working on the translation of this information. You can check all these details in your language in the coming days. For additional and accurate information, please refer to the original version of this content. Our team provides this information and details in Español language. In case of doubt, misunderstanding or misreading about the content of this information you should refer to the original version of this page or contact our customer service team.
Español [ ES ]
El orujo.

El Orujo de Galicia es una bebida espirituosa, elaborada mediante fermentación y destilación de bagazos y lías, obtenidos a partir de uvas cosechadas en el ámbito geográfico de la Comunidad Autónoma de Galicia. Puede ser comercializado bien en el año de su obtención, inmediatamente o después de un período de reposo, o bien después de ser sometido a un proceso de envejecimiento. Se elaboran varias versiones del orujo, el orujo clásico también conocido como orujo blanco, también se elabora Aguardiente de Hierbas de Galicia que es la bebida espirituosa tradicional elaborada en Galicia, obtenida a partir de aguardiente amparado por la indicación geográfica Orujo de Galicia. Su contenido en azúcares deberá ser inferior a 100 gramos por litro. El Licor de Hierbas de Galicia se define como la bebida espirituosa elaborada en Galicia a partir de aguardiente amparado por la indicación geográfica Orujo de Galicia y alcohol etílico de origen agrícola. Su contenido en azúcares será como mínimo de 100 gramos por litro. Tanto en la elaboración del Aguardiente de Hierbas de Galicia como del Licor de Hierbas de Galicia se emplearán un mínimo de tres especies de plantas. Se permite el uso de cualquier especie apta para uso alimentario, entre las que se citan, por ser de uso más tradicional, las siguientes: menta, manzanilla, hierba luísa, romero, orégano, tomillo, cilantro, azahar, hinojo, regaliz, nuez moscada y canela. El Licor Café de Galicia es la bebida espirituosa, elaborada en Galicia a partir de aguardiente amparado por la indicación geográfica Orujo de Galicia y alcohol etílico de origen agrícola, mediante maceración de café de tostadura natural en el alcohol y/o destilación del orujo en presencia de café de tostadura natural. Su contenido en azúcares mínimo será de 100 gramos por litro.


El Orujo de Galicia se obtiene por destilación de los orujos procedentes de las vinificaciones. Estos orujos, que en Galicia se denominan “bagazos”, han de estar totalmente fermentados para obtener un buen destilado. Las características de los orujos están estrechamente ligadas a los factores en los que se ha producido la uva, a la viña y a las variedades de las que deriva, a la tecnología utilizada en la extracción del mosto y en la fermentación, también al período y la modalidad con la que se ha conservado la materia prima antes de llegar al destilador. Los orujos, una vez fermentados, están listos para ser destilados. Pero la capacidad de destilación de las empresas elaboradoras es menor que la cantidad de orujos que ingresan diariamente, por lo que se procede al ensilado de estos. Esta conservación debe realizarse en recipientes estancos, evitando la presencia de bolsas de aire y eliminando el exceso de oxígeno. Períodos de conservación que superen los cinco meses van en detrimento de la calidad. En el caso de bodegas grandes y destilerías, conservan el orujo en grandes cubas de hormigón llamadas orujeras, disponiendo el contenido en capas y pisándolo fuertemente, cerrándolas posteriormente herméticamente. Sin embargo, la tendencia actual consiste en utilizar pequeños recipientes de 200 a 1.000 kilos de capacidad, en los que se mantienen óptimas condiciones inertes y anaeróbicas.

La queimada.

La queimada es uno de los muchos rituales que tienen que ver con el fuego, una tradición gallega que expresa la cultura del pueblo gallego y se debate entre lo pagano y lo misterioso, una pócima mágica cuyo origen se pierde entre las sombras de noches ancestrales plagadas de meigallos y hechizos, de almas en pena, y de cuerpos arrebatados por rituales de meigas que sentados en la oscuridad y formando un círculo alrededor de la tartera de barro, buscan la purificación del cuerpo y la salvación del alma mientras revuelven el brebaje que espantará los malos espíritus y atraerá los buenos. La tradicional queimada tiene, más que posiblemente, su origen en las ancestrales culturas castreñas. Los celtas dejaron su herencia cultural plasmada en los abundantes petroglifos que se encuentran a lo largo y ancho de la comunidad gallega. Son recurrentes los símbolos con forma de espiral, destacando EL TRISQUEL, figura con tres cabezas que dibuja una especie de cruz. han sido muchas las interpretaciones que los historiadores han dado a este símbolo, pero la más conocida es aquella que sostiene que el trisquel representa los tres elementos fundamentales en la vida del hombre, la tierra, el agua y el fuego. El ritual de la queimada lleva también de forma intrínseca la fusión de estos tres elementos, en un ritual que no sería posible de no existir este componente mágico, heredado de nuestros antepasados celtas y transmitido a través de los tiempos. La tierra se simboliza mediante la tartera de barro, el agua se ve representado por el aguardiente que se agita y remueve fundiendose con la tierra mientras el fuego danza libre entre los elementos que conforman esta pócima mágica alumbrandonos, dándonos calor al cuerpo y purificando las almas. Para su preparación se vierte en el recipiente de la queimada, preferentemente de barro, el Aguardiente de Orujo de Galicia y el azúcar, en la proporción de 150 gramos por cada litro de aguardiente. Se incorporan las mondas de limón y de naranja y un puñado de granos de café. Se remueve bien toda la mezcla y cuando esté bien mezclado se le prende fuego. Para ello colocaremos en el cazo de remover un poco de azucar y aguardiente acercando éste muy despacio al recipiente que contiene todos los ingredientes, hasta que el fuego contenido en el cazo pase de uno a otro. La queimada debe removerse hasta que el azucar se consuma y las llamas disminuyan considerablemente, lo que indica que el alcohol se ha evaporado en su mayor parte, cuando esto ocurra dejamos apagar y servimos.

El conjuro.

Búhos, lechuzas, sapos y brujas
Demonios maléficos y diablos
Espíritus de las nevadas vegas
Cuervos, salamandras y meigas
Hechizos de las curanderas
Podridas cañas agujereadas
Hogar de gusanos y de alimañas
Fuego de las almas en pena
Mal de ojo, negros hechizos
Olor de los muertos, truenos y rayos
Aullido del perro, anuncio de la muerte
Hocico del sátiro y pata del conejo
Pecadora lengua de la mala mujer
Casada con un hombre viejo
Infierno de Satán y Belcebú
Fuego de los cadáveres en llamas
Cuerpos mutilados de los indecentes
Pedos de los infernales culos
Mugido de la mar embravecida
Vientre inútil de la mujer soltera
Maullar de los gatos en celo
Pelo malo y sucio de la cabra mal parida
Con este cazo levantaré las llamas de este fuego
Que se asemeja al del infierno
Y huirán las brujas a caballo de sus escobas
Yéndose a bañar a la playa de las arenas gordas
¡Oíd, oíd! los rugidos que dan
Las que no pueden dejar de quemarse en el aguardiente
Quedando así purificadas
Y cuando este brebaje baje por nuestras gargantas
Quedaremos libres de los males de nuestra alma
Y de todo embrujamiento
Fuerzas del aire, tierra, mar y fuego
A vosotros hago esta llamada:
Si es verdad que tenéis más poder que la humana gente
Aquí y ahora, haced que los espíritus de los amigos que están fuera
Participen con nosotros de esta queimada.

O Conxuro.

Mouchos, coruxas, sapos e bruxas
Demos, trasgos e diaños
Espritos das nevoadas veigas
Corvos, pintigas e meigas
Feitizos das menciñeiras
Podres cañotas furadas
Fogar dos vermes e alimañas
Lume das santas Compañas
Mal de ollo, negros meigallos
Cheiro dos mortos, tronos e raios
Ouveo do can, pregón da morte
Fuciño do sátiro e pé do coello
Pecadora lingua da mala muller
Casada cun home vello
Averno de Satán e Belcebú
Lume dos cadavres ardentes
Corpos mutilados dos indecentes
Peidos dos infernales cus
Muxido da mar embravescida
Barriga inútil da muller solteira
Falar dos gatos que andan á xaneira
Guedella porca da cabra mal parida
Con este fol, levantarei as chamas deste lume
Que asemella ó do inferno
E fuxirán as meigas a cabalo das súas escobas
Índose bañar na praia das areas gordas
¡Oíde, oíde! os ruxidos que dan as que
Non poden deixar de queimarse
No augoardente quedando así purificadas
E cando esta brebaxe baixe polas nosas gorxas
Quedaremos libres dos males
Da nosa alma e de todo embruxamento
Forzas do Ar, Terra, Mar e Lume
A vós fago esta chamada:
Si é verdade que tedes máis poder que a humana xente
Eiquí e agora, facede que os espritos dos amigos que estean fóra
Participen con nós desta queimada.

Herbal liqueur D.O. Orujo de Galicia

Product Selection Herbal liqueur D.O. Orujo de Galicia.
Herbal liqueur Viña Nora Licor de Café Orujo de Galicia 70 cl.

Data sheet.
Herbal liqueur Viña Nora Licor de Café Orujo de Galicia 70 cl.

Herbal liqueur. Viña Nora. Licor de Café. D.O. Orujo de Galicia. Galicia. Spain. 70 cl..
Country of origin.


Region of origin.


Appellation of origin.

SpainD.O. Orujo de Galicia.




70 cl.

Alcohol content.

30% Vol.

Visual tasting note.

Sparkly, Intense, Dark, Chestnut tone.

Olfactory tasting note.

Toffee, Toasted notes, Coffee.

Tasting note.

Persistent, Complex, Nice, Sweet, Slightly bitter.


Herbal liqueur.
D.O. Orujo de Galicia.


Viña Nora.


Licor de Café.


1.400 gr. (1,4 Kg.).




44 Customer reviews.

Customers rating.

Product reference.


Actual price.

12,95 €

Minimum order quantity.

1 Unit.

Shipping deadline.

Shipping Spain Spain: 4,90 € (Up to 10Kg/6 bottles)
Delivery term: Information and prices.

Please keep in mind.

The information provided and referred to the product features and details has been provided by the expert, manufacturer or producer or published on the official sites. In no case can it be considered as assessment made by our team, unless expressly stated otherwise.
We suggest you to refer to the comments and reviews posted by our customers and users to expand and contrast this information.


Our team provides this information and details in ESPAÑOL language.
If you browse in another language note that the information contained may have been translated from the original language through an automated real-time process that has not been supervised by our human team.
In case of doubt, misunderstanding or misreading about the content of this information you should refer to the original version of this page or contact our customer service team.

Product image.

The product image or its label is only relevant for graphic purposes, so it may not match the identification of the vintage or other features and details of the product for sale. This product is provided in the conditions and format in which it is marketed at the current time.


PLEASE NOTE: Our team is currently working on the translation of this information. You can check all these details in your language in the coming days. For additional and accurate information, please refer to the original version of this content. Our team provides this information and details in Español language. In case of doubt, misunderstanding or misreading about the content of this information you should refer to the original version of this page or contact our customer service team.
Español [ ES ]
Elaborado a partir de la maceración de cafés naturales en alcohol neutro de origen agrícola y aguardiente de orujo.

Country of origin.

Spain. This product is shipped from Spain.

(UE)401/2010 Certification.

Denominación de Origen Protegida (D.O.P.)
Denominación de Origen (D.O.)
D.O. Orujo de Galicia.

Storage temperature.

Store at a constant temperature between 10-17ºC.
Humidity should be constant around 60-80%.


Keep preferably away from light.


This product is provided in the conditions and format in which it is marketed at the current time. In cases where the product includes an additional packaging, box and/or case, These accessories will be included in the shipment as long as they comply with the dimensions of the special packaging adapted and approved for the transport of beverages.
In general, the images of the products that we publish on our website are only relevant for graphic purposes. The images do not show other accessories such as additional packaging (box, case, etc.) or promotional elements that may occasionally be included by the manufacturer along with the product. If you wish, we can inform you about the additional packaging, elements and accessories included with the product at the current time.

Legal Notice.

It is against the law to sell or supply alcohol to, or to obtain alcohol on behalf of a person under the age of 18 years.
If you are not more than 18 years old, you must leave this website.


It is recommended to drink in moderation and demonstrate a responsible consumption of alcoholic beverages.

Country of origin


Region of origin


Appellation of origin

SpainD.O. Orujo de Galicia.




70 cl.

Alcohol content

30% Vol.

Visual tasting note

Sparkly, Intense, Dark, Chestnut tone.

Olfactory tasting note

Toffee, Toasted notes, Coffee.

Tasting note

Persistent, Complex, Nice, Sweet, Slightly bitter.


Herbal liqueur.
D.O. Orujo de Galicia.


Viña Nora.


Licor de Café.


1.400 gr. (1,4 Kg.).




44 Customer reviews.

Customers rating

Product reference


Actual price

12,95 €

Minimum order quantity

1 Unit.

Shipping deadline

Shipping Spain Spain: 4,90 € (Up to 10Kg/6 bottles)
Delivery term: Information and prices.

Please keep in mind

The information provided and referred to the product features and details has been provided by the expert, manufacturer or producer or published on the official sites. In no case can it be considered as assessment made by our team, unless expressly stated otherwise.
We suggest you to refer to the comments and reviews posted by our customers and users to expand and contrast this information.


Our team provides this information and details in ESPAÑOL language.
If you browse in another language note that the information contained may have been translated from the original language through an automated real-time process that has not been supervised by our human team.
In case of doubt, misunderstanding or misreading about the content of this information you should refer to the original version of this page or contact our customer service team.

Product image

The product image or its label is only relevant for graphic purposes, so it may not match the identification of the vintage or other features and details of the product for sale. This product is provided in the conditions and format in which it is marketed at the current time.


PLEASE NOTE: Our team is currently working on the translation of this information. You can check all these details in your language in the coming days. For additional and accurate information, please refer to the original version of this content. Our team provides this information and details in Español language. In case of doubt, misunderstanding or misreading about the content of this information you should refer to the original version of this page or contact our customer service team.
Español [ ES ]
Elaborado a partir de la maceración de cafés naturales en alcohol neutro de origen agrícola y aguardiente de orujo.

Country of origin

Spain. This product is shipped from Spain.

(UE)401/2010 Certification

Denominación de Origen Protegida (D.O.P.)
Denominación de Origen (D.O.)
D.O. Orujo de Galicia.

Storage temperature

Store at a constant temperature between 10-17ºC.
Humidity should be constant around 60-80%.


Keep preferably away from light.


This product is provided in the conditions and format in which it is marketed at the current time. In cases where the product includes an additional packaging, box and/or case, These accessories will be included in the shipment as long as they comply with the dimensions of the special packaging adapted and approved for the transport of beverages.
In general, the images of the products that we publish on our website are only relevant for graphic purposes. The images do not show other accessories such as additional packaging (box, case, etc.) or promotional elements that may occasionally be included by the manufacturer along with the product. If you wish, we can inform you about the additional packaging, elements and accessories included with the product at the current time.

Legal Notice

It is against the law to sell or supply alcohol to, or to obtain alcohol on behalf of a person under the age of 18 years.
If you are not more than 18 years old, you must leave this website.


It is recommended to drink in moderation and demonstrate a responsible consumption of alcoholic beverages.

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Herbal liqueur Viña Nora Licor de Café Orujo de Galicia 70 cl
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