Loredan Gasparini Malbec Colli Trevigiani 75 cl. Origin.


Loredan Gasparini (Conte Loredan Gasparini).


Red wineMalbec.

Country of origin.


Region of origin.


Appellation of origin.

ItalyI.G.T. Colli Trevigiani.

(UE)401/2010 Certification.

Indicazione Geografica Tipica (I.G.T.)
I.G.T. Colli Trevigiani.


1.500 gr. (1,5 Kg.).


Loredan Gasparini (Conte Loredan Gasparini).


Red wineMalbec.

Country of origin


Region of origin


Appellation of origin

ItalyI.G.T. Colli Trevigiani.

(UE)401/2010 Certification

Indicazione Geografica Tipica (I.G.T.)
I.G.T. Colli Trevigiani.


1.500 gr. (1,5 Kg.).

Loredan Gasparini Malbec Colli Trevigiani 75 cl. Data sheet.


Red wine.
I.G.T. Colli Trevigiani.


Red wineMalbec.

Vintage / Harvest.

Currently marketed by the producer.




75 cl.

Alcohol content.

12.5% Vol.


1.500 gr. (1,5 Kg.).

Visual tasting note.

Sparkly, Picota cherry color, Purple shades, Live hues.

Olfactory tasting note.

Berries, Red pepper, Well integrated aromas, Striking fruity tones.

Tasting note.

Nuts, Strong, Toasted, Fused tannins.

Recommended pairing.

Baked pork, Free range chicken stews, Beef tenderloin.

Consumption temperature.

16ºC - 18ºC.


It is recommended to drink in moderation and demonstrate a responsible consumption of alcoholic beverages.


Red wine.
I.G.T. Colli Trevigiani.


Red wineMalbec.

Vintage / Harvest

Currently marketed by the producer.




75 cl.

Alcohol content

12.5% Vol.


1.500 gr. (1,5 Kg.).

Visual tasting note

Sparkly, Picota cherry color, Purple shades, Live hues.

Olfactory tasting note

Berries, Red pepper, Well integrated aromas, Striking fruity tones.

Tasting note

Nuts, Strong, Toasted, Fused tannins.

Recommended pairing

Baked pork, Free range chicken stews, Beef tenderloin.

Consumption temperature

16ºC - 18ºC.


It is recommended to drink in moderation and demonstrate a responsible consumption of alcoholic beverages.

Loredan Gasparini Malbec Colli Trevigiani 75 cl. Description.

Product reference.



This product is provided in the conditions and format in which it is marketed at the current time. In cases where the product includes an additional packaging, box and/or case, These accessories will be included in the shipment as long as they comply with the dimensions of the special packaging adapted and approved for the transport of beverages.
In general, the images of the products that we publish on our website are only relevant for graphic purposes. The images do not show other accessories such as additional packaging (box, case, etc.) or promotional elements that may occasionally be included by the manufacturer along with the product. If you wish, we can inform you about the additional packaging, elements and accessories included with the product at the current time.


1.500 gr. (1,5 Kg.).

Actual price.

15,95 € . This product is currently not available.

Storage position.

Lateral position, horizontal bottle.

Storage temperature.

Store at a constant temperature between 10-17ºC.
Humidity should be constant around 60-80%.


Keep preferably away from light.

Product reference



This product is provided in the conditions and format in which it is marketed at the current time. In cases where the product includes an additional packaging, box and/or case, These accessories will be included in the shipment as long as they comply with the dimensions of the special packaging adapted and approved for the transport of beverages.
In general, the images of the products that we publish on our website are only relevant for graphic purposes. The images do not show other accessories such as additional packaging (box, case, etc.) or promotional elements that may occasionally be included by the manufacturer along with the product. If you wish, we can inform you about the additional packaging, elements and accessories included with the product at the current time.


1.500 gr. (1,5 Kg.).

Actual price

15,95 € . This product is currently not available.

Storage position

Lateral position, horizontal bottle.

Storage temperature

Store at a constant temperature between 10-17ºC.
Humidity should be constant around 60-80%.


Keep preferably away from light.

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Loredan Gasparini Malbec Colli Trevigiani 75 cl.

Additional information.

«Loredan Gasparini Colli Trevigiani» is produced by Loredan Gasparini (Conte Loredan Gasparini). «Loredan Gasparini Colli Trevigiani» is monovarietal, made only with the grape variety Malbec, 100% Malbec. «Loredan Gasparini Colli Trevigiani» is a product from Italy. The production region of «Loredan Gasparini Colli Trevigiani» is Veneto. It is certified with I.G.T. Colli Trevigiani. The weight of «Loredan Gasparini Colli Trevigiani» is 1.500 grams (1,5 Kg.).

«Loredan Gasparini Colli Trevigiani» belongs to the Red wine category, Red wine Appellation of origin I.G.T. Colli Trevigiani. «Loredan Gasparini Colli Trevigiani» is monovarietal, made only with the grape variety Malbec, 100% Malbec. This product is not identified or supplied in a specific vintage. The product image and label may not match the vintage identification or other characteristics and details of the product for sale. If you wish, we can provide you with this information, and, of course, You can request a specific vintage and we will try our best to satisfy you. «Loredan Gasparini Colli Trevigiani» is marketed in bottle 75 cl format. The alcohol content of «Loredan Gasparini Colli Trevigiani» is 12.5% Vol. The weight of «Loredan Gasparini Colli Trevigiani» is 1.500 grams (1,5 Kg.). Regarding the tasting of «Loredan Gasparini Colli Trevigiani», the notes sparkly, picota cherry color, purple shades and live hues stand out in its visual phase. Among the predominant notes of the olfactory tasting are berries, red pepper, well integrated aromas and striking fruity tones. Finally, The tasting of «Loredan Gasparini Colli Trevigiani» in the taste phase stands out with nuts, strong, toasted and fused tannins. It is recommended to pair «Loredan Gasparini Colli Trevigiani» with baked pork, free range chicken stews and beef tenderloin. The optimum temperature to consume «Loredan Gasparini Colli Trevigiani» is 16ºC - 18ºC.

The weight of «Loredan Gasparini Colli Trevigiani» is 1.500 grams (1,5 Kg.). The final sale price of «Loredan Gasparini Colli Trevigiani» is 15,95 € in PrivateCeller.com. Temporarily «Loredan Gasparini Colli Trevigiani» is not available for sale on PrivateCeller.com.

The information provided and referred to the product features and details has been provided by the expert, manufacturer or producer or published on the official sites. In no case can it be considered as assessment made by our team, unless expressly stated otherwise. We suggest you to refer to the comments and reviews posted by our customers and users to expand and contrast this information. The product image or its label is only relevant for graphic purposes, so it may not match the identification of the vintage or other features and details of the product for sale. This product is provided in the conditions and format in which it is marketed at the current time. Spain. This product is shipped from Spain.


Loredan Gasparini Malbec Colli Trevigiani 75 cl.

PLEASE NOTE: Our team is currently working on the translation of this information. You can check all these details in your language in the coming days. For additional and accurate information, please refer to the original version of this content. Our team provides this information and details in Español language. In case of doubt, misunderstanding or misreading about the content of this information you should refer to the original version of this page or contact our customer service team.
Español [ ES ]

El centro histórico de producción de Malbec fue Cahors, localidad ubicada en el sudoeste de Francia, cerca de los Pirineos. Se encuentra relativamente cerca de una de las principales regiones vitivinícolas de Francia, Burdeos que está 200 km al este. Una tradición sostiene que los romanos introdujeron en Cahors cepas de esta variedad, llevadas desde Italia, a mediados del siglo II. Hay quien sostiene que llegaron de otras zonas de Europa, pero lo que está claro es que allí se cultivó esta variedad. Durante el imperio romano, el vino de Cahors fue apreciado por las élites, lo que queda reflejado en obras de los autores clásicos, sobre todo Horacio y Virgilio. Después de la caída del imperio romano, se produjo el colapso del poder político y las instituciones; pero el vino de Cahors mantuvo su prestigio. En la Alta Edad Media, fue reconocido por el obispo de Verdún. Posteriormente, una destacada mujer de esa región, Leonor de Aquitania, contribuyó a la expansión de los vinos de Cahors, sobre todo en el mercado británico. Los estudios ampelográficos afirman que surge de un cruce entre magdeleine noir de Charentes y la prunelard. La primera es una variedad de uva de mesa muy divulgada en el medievo, mientras que la segunda es una antigua variedad de Gaillac, donde todavía se la puede encontrar.


Las cepas de uva malbec son de elevado vigor y porte tumbado que necesita más sol y calor que la cabernet sauvignon o la merlot para madurar. Tiene un desborre precoz y madura también temprano o a media estación, razón por la cual se ve afectada tanto por las heladas del invierno como por el frío en primavera, e incluso por las bajas temperaturas en la cierna, que inducen en esta variedad un fuerte corrimiento del racimo. Los racimos son entre pequeños y medianos, muy compactos y con un pedicelo reducido del cual se desprenden las bayas con facilidad. Produce uvas esféricas de gran tamaño, el cual es uniforme a lo largo del racimo y en las que se aprecia muy claramente la cicatriz estilar. Su piel es de color negro, azulada y gruesa y su pulpa, que no presenta pigmentación, es blanda y de jugosidad elevada. Es una variedad muy sensible al mildiu y especialmente a la podredumbre gris. También, aunque en menor medida al oídio, a la excoriosis, a otras enfermedades de la madera y al black-rot. Es muy sensible a los ácaros y menos a la polilla del racimo y a los cicadélidos. Es una variedad exigente en potasa y magnesio, pero debe emplearse poco nitrógeno por su elevadísimo vigor. También es conocida como cot, cahors, pressac, auxerrois, costo rojo, lutkens, quercy, balouzat, jacobina, negro dulce, saint emilion y Cô.

Zonas de cultivo.

En Francia, las plantaciones de esta variedad se encuentran en las inmediaciones de la zona de Cahors, en el centro-sur del país, en la región de Lot. No obstante, la malbec incrementó notablemente su presencia al ser utilizada ampliamente en Argentina, donde fue introducida por el ingeniero agrónomo francés Michel Pouget en 1868. Mendoza es la zona donde la malbec está más extendida, con aproximadamente el 90% malbe de Argentina, aunque también son productoras las regiones de La Rioja, Salta, San Juan, Catamarca, Jujuy, La Pampa, Neuquén, Río Negro y Buenos Aires. Chile también ha demostrado ser capaz de producir Malbec de alta calidad, sobre todo en las regiones de Colchagua y San Antonio. Se pueden encontrar viñedos de malbec en las regiones más frías de California, donde se usa para hacer meritage, en el estado de Washington, en la American Viticultural Area (AVA) Long Island del estado de Nueva York, en las regiones de Rogue y Umpqua de Oregón, en Australia, en Nueva Zelanda, en Sudáfrica, en la Columbia Británica, Tarija al sur de Bolivia, en el noreste de Italia, en Virginia, en la Baja California mexicana y, recientemente, en Texas y en el sur de Ontario.


Los malbec franceses tienden a tener mucha estructura, taninos firmes y mucho color los años secos, mientras que el grano tiende a hincharse dando vinos diluidos los años lluviosos. A diferencia de éstos, los malbec argentinos tienden a ser mucho más afrutados, con taninos maduros y un final aterciopelado. Por lo general, los vinos elaborados con malbec destacan por presentar una fase visual de intenso color oscuro y una nariz frutal que recuerda a las cerezas, fresas o ciruelas, uvas pasas y pimienta negra y en algunos casos con reminiscencias de frutas cocidas (mermelada). Al envejecer en barrica de roble toma notas de café, vainilla y chocolate. En boca se aprecian sus taninos dulces, suaves y envolventes. Refinado, vigoroso y equilibrado, el Malbec da origen a una diversidad de estilos que reflejan su gran potencial. Es el tinto por excelencia para acompañar cualquier plato, desde el tradicional asado argentino o la típica humita a base de maíz del norte del país, hasta platos internacionales como pastas, pizzas, tamales o sushi.

Red wine Malbec

Product Selection Red wine Malbec.
Loredan Gasparini Malbec Colli Trevigiani 75 cl.

Data sheet.
Loredan Gasparini Malbec Colli Trevigiani 75 cl.

Red wine. Loredan Gasparini. I.G.T. Colli Trevigiani. Veneto. Italy. Malbec. 75 cl..

Red wineMalbec.

Country of origin.


Region of origin.


Appellation of origin.

ItalyI.G.T. Colli Trevigiani.

Vintage / Harvest.

Currently marketed by the producer.




75 cl.

Alcohol content.

12.5% Vol.

Visual tasting note.

Sparkly, Picota cherry color, Purple shades, Live hues.

Olfactory tasting note.

Berries, Red pepper, Well integrated aromas, Striking fruity tones.

Tasting note.

Nuts, Strong, Toasted, Fused tannins.

Recommended pairing.

Baked pork, Free range chicken stews, Beef tenderloin.

Consumption temperature.

16ºC - 18ºC.


Red wine.
I.G.T. Colli Trevigiani.


Loredan Gasparini (Conte Loredan Gasparini).


1.500 gr. (1,5 Kg.).

Product reference.


Actual price.

15,95 € . This product is currently not available.

Please keep in mind.

The information provided and referred to the product features and details has been provided by the expert, manufacturer or producer or published on the official sites. In no case can it be considered as assessment made by our team, unless expressly stated otherwise.
We suggest you to refer to the comments and reviews posted by our customers and users to expand and contrast this information.


Our team provides this information and details in ESPAÑOL language.
If you browse in another language note that the information contained may have been translated from the original language through an automated real-time process that has not been supervised by our human team.
In case of doubt, misunderstanding or misreading about the content of this information you should refer to the original version of this page or contact our customer service team.

Product image.

The product image or its label is only relevant for graphic purposes, so it may not match the identification of the vintage or other features and details of the product for sale. This product is provided in the conditions and format in which it is marketed at the current time.
This product is not identified or supplied in a specific vintage. The product image and label may not match the vintage identification or other characteristics and details of the product for sale.

Country of origin.

Spain. This product is shipped from Spain.

(UE)401/2010 Certification.

Indicazione Geografica Tipica (I.G.T.)
I.G.T. Colli Trevigiani.

Storage position.

Lateral position, horizontal bottle.

Storage temperature.

Store at a constant temperature between 10-17ºC.
Humidity should be constant around 60-80%.


Keep preferably away from light.


This product is provided in the conditions and format in which it is marketed at the current time. In cases where the product includes an additional packaging, box and/or case, These accessories will be included in the shipment as long as they comply with the dimensions of the special packaging adapted and approved for the transport of beverages.
In general, the images of the products that we publish on our website are only relevant for graphic purposes. The images do not show other accessories such as additional packaging (box, case, etc.) or promotional elements that may occasionally be included by the manufacturer along with the product. If you wish, we can inform you about the additional packaging, elements and accessories included with the product at the current time.

Legal Notice.

It is against the law to sell or supply alcohol to, or to obtain alcohol on behalf of a person under the age of 18 years.
If you are not more than 18 years old, you must leave this website.


It is recommended to drink in moderation and demonstrate a responsible consumption of alcoholic beverages.


Red wineMalbec.

Country of origin


Region of origin


Appellation of origin

ItalyI.G.T. Colli Trevigiani.

Vintage / Harvest

Currently marketed by the producer.




75 cl.

Alcohol content

12.5% Vol.

Visual tasting note

Sparkly, Picota cherry color, Purple shades, Live hues.

Olfactory tasting note

Berries, Red pepper, Well integrated aromas, Striking fruity tones.

Tasting note

Nuts, Strong, Toasted, Fused tannins.

Recommended pairing

Baked pork, Free range chicken stews, Beef tenderloin.

Consumption temperature

16ºC - 18ºC.


Red wine.
I.G.T. Colli Trevigiani.


Loredan Gasparini (Conte Loredan Gasparini).


1.500 gr. (1,5 Kg.).

Product reference


Actual price

15,95 € . This product is currently not available.

Please keep in mind

The information provided and referred to the product features and details has been provided by the expert, manufacturer or producer or published on the official sites. In no case can it be considered as assessment made by our team, unless expressly stated otherwise.
We suggest you to refer to the comments and reviews posted by our customers and users to expand and contrast this information.


Our team provides this information and details in ESPAÑOL language.
If you browse in another language note that the information contained may have been translated from the original language through an automated real-time process that has not been supervised by our human team.
In case of doubt, misunderstanding or misreading about the content of this information you should refer to the original version of this page or contact our customer service team.

Product image

The product image or its label is only relevant for graphic purposes, so it may not match the identification of the vintage or other features and details of the product for sale. This product is provided in the conditions and format in which it is marketed at the current time.
This product is not identified or supplied in a specific vintage. The product image and label may not match the vintage identification or other characteristics and details of the product for sale.

Country of origin

Spain. This product is shipped from Spain.

(UE)401/2010 Certification

Indicazione Geografica Tipica (I.G.T.)
I.G.T. Colli Trevigiani.

Storage position

Lateral position, horizontal bottle.

Storage temperature

Store at a constant temperature between 10-17ºC.
Humidity should be constant around 60-80%.


Keep preferably away from light.


This product is provided in the conditions and format in which it is marketed at the current time. In cases where the product includes an additional packaging, box and/or case, These accessories will be included in the shipment as long as they comply with the dimensions of the special packaging adapted and approved for the transport of beverages.
In general, the images of the products that we publish on our website are only relevant for graphic purposes. The images do not show other accessories such as additional packaging (box, case, etc.) or promotional elements that may occasionally be included by the manufacturer along with the product. If you wish, we can inform you about the additional packaging, elements and accessories included with the product at the current time.

Legal Notice

It is against the law to sell or supply alcohol to, or to obtain alcohol on behalf of a person under the age of 18 years.
If you are not more than 18 years old, you must leave this website.


It is recommended to drink in moderation and demonstrate a responsible consumption of alcoholic beverages.

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Loredan Gasparini Malbec Colli Trevigiani 75 cl
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